Jinan carton compressive strength refers to the dynamic pressure of the pressure testing machine, which makes the damaged carton bear large load and deformation. As the compressive strength of cartons is used for packaging, it is necessary to maintain their compressive strength. The following are several factors that affect the compression capacity of cartons
1. Humidity: the production environment, storage environment, use environment, weather, climate and other factors of cartons will affect the moisture content of cartons. In order to ensure the compressive strength of cartons, the impact of external environment on the moisture content of cartons should be avoided as far as possible.
2. Flute: as we all know, the larger the flute is, the higher the compressive strength of the carton is. It is easy to ignore the effect of flute on deformation. The larger the angle is, the greater the compressive strength and deformation of the carton will be; the smaller the groove is, the smaller the compressive strength and deformation of the carton will be. If the carton is too large, but the groove is too small, it is easy to crush the carton during pressure test; if the carton is too small, but the groove is large, the compression test deformation is too large, the buffer process is too long, and the deviation between the effective value of Zui and the final force value is too large.
Common proofing. When customers are looking for a carton manufacturer in Jinan, they usually ask for a sample before placing an order. This sample is the first one. It is the customer who provides the required size and paper materials. According to the design drawings or drafts provided by him, the products in the design drawings have been processed and repaired by the wooden box manufacturer. And all parameters of the finished product need to meet the specified standards, which is called ordinary proofing. The manufacturers of wooden cases and cartons also pay special attention to proofing.
Prenatal care. For most enterprises, the word "prenatal sample" may be vague, and many people have never even heard of it. Pre production sample, as the name implies, is the sample before the carton manufacturer produces this batch of orders, and is also the sample after general proofing. What does this mean? That is to say, after making ordinary samples for customers, customers may feel that the effect is not as good as their own ideal, then modify them, and finally make sure that the samples have gone through several changes to different degrees. In enterprises that meet the best results and decide not to change the sample, this is called prenatal sample.